Monday, August 24, 2009

Here it is

So, as you all know, we will be leaving on our SE Asian adventure on September 3rd. After enormous amounts of peer pressue, we thought it would be best to start a little blog instead of writing lengthy and infrequent emails. Anyway, here it is. We'll mainly just post our pictures and basic info about how things are going. We hope that you all enjoy our adventures as much as we do.

Colin and Amanda


  1. I think we need a picture of the two of you before you become all hippie and tatted out.

  2. Colin...Colin...Colin...
    Why you gotta go all that way???

  3. Good Luck you will be missed! I'm sorry I didn't get to see you before you left! But I look forward to hearing all your amazing adventures!

  4. yo - I'm lookin at this site more than you - wassup homeys??
